Rambunctious Press, Inc.
a rambunctious literary experience
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RR Contests
 Our judges include writers, readers, academics and past contest winners. Our entries are judged anonymously on artistic merit alone.
 Next contests
Our next contests will be announced later this year. For information, please send a SASE by snail mail, watch this site or Facebook, or contact us by email.
Other submissions
We also seek regular submissions of fiction, poetry, artwork, and photography. But only if it is rambunctious enough.
May 2011 judging.
Rambunctious Brain Trust. Editors Beth Hausler and Nancy Lennon and judge Bob Wagner cavort, consult, and exchange literary witticisms at Rambunctious headquarters.
Ann Lamas and Beth Hausler. - Isn't strange how the poetry gets better as the bottles get emptier? -

Sandy, the rambunctious mascot. RR respects everybody's opinion.